She's my beautiful baby girl, but she's going through her puppy uglies right now (a stage where Poms lose their fluffy long puppy hair and start growing in their adult coat). It's a very awkward stage for her! It's like going through her teens (literally, in doggie time).
Her body has elongated and her legs have gotten longer and the fluffy hair couldn't keep up, so it's covered with short hairs and she looks kinda like the awkward "maturing" teenager. Think Violet from The Incredibles.
Her color, in general is becoming very light. Especially under her chin. She's gone from a grayish/cream sable to snowy white. The hair around her head is becoming more creamy, and a very soft orange. She is "sable", but cream or orange sable I am not quite sure of yet. Maybe check back in about 6 months? The hair down her back has lost all its undercoat and the adult coat is growing in fast. I can't wait til she gets her full coat in to have my fluffball back, better than ever! How I miss it!
Anyhow, here's a documentation of her transformation thus far:

at 3 months when we got her (~1.4 lbs)

at 4 months

about a week shy of 6 months (puppy uglies!)
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